Feb 02 Views (1974)

Players Are Obsessed With The Final Fantasy XIV 's New Update 4.2

The high-anticipated Final Fantasy XIV update 4.2 was launched at the end of January. The addition of the following update, 4.25, which will mark the arrival of the new Eureka Anemos dispatch zone and the following the misadventures of Hildibrand. Final Fantasy XIV is updated with a new patch introducing a lot of new content to the game, including the beloved demonic clown Kefka, reports Kotaku. 



The Final Fantasy XIV invites new players to join the millions of adventurers in the kingdom of Eorzea. As the best seller, we sincerely invited you to come ours website, and view more images and screenshots even some of fun videos for the new patch 4.2. Naturally, the players have already ventured into the battle against this new boss, as well as the main villain of Final Fantasy XIV. To discover all the additions or corrections, go to the official website of the game, FFXIV4Gil. 


Players are obsessed with the Final Fantasy XIV, because they need other people to validate the way they play. It's especially stupid in FFXIV where the classes are all pretty well balanced and differences in dps are minor and everyone brings something to the table. Final Fantasy XIV has accumulated countless fights to experience - from the quick Trials to the lengthier – and usually more challenging – Raids. 


A lot of people said World of Warcraft was a dying game, yet it never truly died. With Legion, it's stronger than ever before. Top players will be able to go on the attack of the Omega raid: Sigmastice, while fans of PvP will not be left behind with the addition of an arena for the mode The Feast. Another novelty is the possibility of making submarines to conduct expeditions and collect various rewards. Players are now in preparation for buying Final Fantasy XIV Gil